They are este (a) (s), which are the equivalent to this, these in English. Ese (a) (s), which is that, those in English. Then we have aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas, which are that or those (farther away). For example, ese es mi libro (the demonstrative ese indicate that is my book). Aquella es mi moto (the demonstrative adjective aquella points (shows) which one is my motorcycle. Do not confuse these adjectives with the demonstrative pronouns; they are spelled in the same way with two differences. They take an accent and have the role of the subject. They are: éste, ése (a), ésos, aquéllos (as). For example, using the same example above. I say: ese es mi libro; éste es el tuyo. In this example, éste takes de role of the substantive in the second sentence. In the other example, aquella es mi moto; ésta es la de Carlos. Again ésta take the role of the substantive (the subject) in the second sentence.Exercises: write in the demonstratives (adjectives or pronouns).
..............mi enamorada (that). ..................son mi abuelos (those away). aquélla es mi camioneta; la de Juan (this). ésta es mi zapatilla; la de Maritza (that). Sí yo recuerdo Cancún;...............fueron unas vacaciones inolvidables (those). Diana, ..........tarea está perfecta;..................sin embargo está incompleta (this, that). ............libro es interesante; muy aburrido (this, that away). Raquel era muy dedicada;................sí fue una buena profesora (that away). ..........edificio es muy alto; extremadamente bajo (this, that away). éstos son mis regalos;.....................son los de Gloria y los tuyos (those). mi dinero; .................. sobre la mesa es de ustedes (this, that).