Domitila Barrios de Chúngara


Domitila became famous after publishing Si me permiten hablar: testimonio de una mujer en las minas de Bolivia (Let me Speak) with Moema Viezzer (1978). In it,  Domitila recounts her personal life in the tin mines in her country. Her suffering at home, parallel her suffering at the mines where women have been devoid of power when deciding what is better for them. In her life, she experiences explotation not only by the mine owners, but also by the patriarchal system in Bolivia. She tells of hardships and abuse which seems to be the part of everyday life in the mining towns. A long time militant fighting for the well being of women in her country, Domitila believes in education and political action as the basis for social change. As today, she has moved away from the mines and lives in Cochabamba.